An evening of dancing, tea and horoscopes

Maxx Gentleman presents: [sombre music fades out]

Maxx Gentleman

6 October 2023, 6:30-9:00pm

Black and white imagoes an outstretched arm wearing a black leather glove.

Maxx Gentlemen Presents:
[sombre music fades out]

Maxx Gentleman presents an uncomfortable exploration of Australiana convict heritage in a Queer Horror context within a kitchen disco environment set to a Donna Summer and Sonic Youth infused live soundrack.

Maxx will incorporate elements of previous performances KITCHEN DISCO HOME INVASION and SOUNDTRACK to bring you [sombre music fades out], complete with sing’alongs, trauma-dotes and horoscopes that merge sculpture, painting, performance and video.

This event launches their work with Vivid Projects that will take place as part of Vivid Lab programme through 2023 – 24.

Maxx Gentleman is a Birmingham based non-binary drag DJ and stand-up performer. They occasionally do a very average and messy lip sync, but more often than not just throw themselves around the dance floor in a Five Rhythms dance haze.