Shame & Compassion

Samiir Saunders

11 October – 17 December 2022

Samiir Saunders is a queer, Black, mixed-media poet based in Birmingham working with Vivid Projects through a research residency funded by Arts Council England. SHAME & COMPASSION is a series of workshops facilitated by Samiir Saunders as part of their residency.

Following a series of in person workshops during the autumn, Samiir is hosting three online sessions in December to enable a wider group of people to participate. The aim of the workshops is to provide participants with a space to reflect on what shame is, how shame might show up in our lives, how shame is used as a tool for control/oppression, and how we may heal from shame using honesty and compassion. Each session will include the consideration of contextual materials and resources provided by Samiir and time spent on some creative focus such as writing, drawing, or simply talking.

Workshops will be held on Zoom on 13th, 15th and 17th December 6-7pm. If you are interested in participating and would like to know more, please contact Samiir on

Samiir, Vivid Projects. Photo: Marcin Sz 2021