Return Reunite Redo with Black Hole Club

Matters of Interest

7 October 2022, 7:30-9:30pm

You are Invited:

For this edition of Matters of interest, we invite you to Mol’s first ever IRL workshop at Vivid Projects, with Black Hole Club during Digbeth First Friday. In this first-ever IRL MoI, we will explore the re-cultivated land of the ‘library’ themed reader that we developed with others during an online workshop on the 28th of September. This work will be re-constructed into an annotated digital map of theme, co-designed by all participants as Mol continues to re-visit questions of what it means to ‘carry’ and ‘contain’ knowledge, particularly as that knowledge (re-)evolves.


What is Matters of Interest?

Matters of Interest (MoI) is a peer-led series of Skype based research-roundtables designed to bring together artists and designers to share, explore, and discuss themes and interests core to practice and interests. Each MoI explores a participant pre-suggested ‘interest’, which is then live-in-session researched and discussed by participants in one 90-minute conversational thread of online articles, links, texts, books, pdfs, images, loose and formed thoughts.


See you soooooon : )

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